The Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade receives NO public or municipal financial support. We depend solely on business and corporate sponsorship and individual donations to the Glen Cove Parade Committee Inc. All parade expenses are paid in this way, and all amounts collected in excess of those expenses are donated directly to carefully chosen charities.
After paying the Parade’s expenses, all surplus funds raised through our fundraising efforts are donated to charity. Grand Marshal Joe McDonald has chosen the Glen Cove Boys & Girls Club as our beneficiary this year. The club is a neighborhood-based facility designed for youth programs and activities that have served underprivileged youth and families in the greater Glen Cove Community since 1903.
- Business and Corporate Sponsorship. Please click here to learn more.
- Our Commemorative Journal – your ad will support the parade, honor the Grand Marshal and Aides, and assist our charities. Please click here to learn more.
- We also welcome individual donations from our generous supporters. Click here to learn more.
Note: The Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade is organized and conducted by Glen Cove Parade Committee Inc., a charitable corporation and is a non-profit organization pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Your donation to the parade may qualify for an income tax deduction in accordance with Federal and/or State income tax laws. Please consult with your tax adviser to determine whether your donation is tax deductible in whole or in part. Nothing in this communication is intended to constitute legal or tax advice.
Please complete the below form to select your business’ sponsorship opportunity and to complete your contribution safely online. (Alternatively, you may print and complete this form: Business and Corporate Sponsorship Application and mail it with your check payable to the Glen Cove Parade Committee Inc.)
Your support for this wonderful cultural event is deeply appreciated. Kindly complete and submit this form:
You may also consider an individual ad in the Parade’s commemorative journal. Click here for more information.