The 2023 Glen Cove Saint Patrick’s Day Parade takes place on Sunday, March 19, 2023, at 1 pm. Founded in 1989 the parade is the premier St. Patrick’s Day celebration on Long Island. It takes place each year on the Sunday after St. Patrick’s Day and is a joyous first sign of Spring for Long Islanders and visitors. Three generations old, the Parade this year is celebrating the young people who are following in the footsteps of those who started this great tradition.
The Grand Marshal of the 2023 parade is Ryan W. Doherty, a Sergeant with the New York MTA Police. An acclaimed leader in law enforcement and the Irish American community, Sgt. Doherty is the son of Irish immigrants to Long Island. He and his family have been deeply involved in organizing the Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade since its inception. Joining Ryan in leading the Parade will be a large group of Aides to the Grand Marshal who, like him, are the descendants of past Grand Marshals of the Parade.
The Parade begins to form up at 12 noon in the area of the Finley Middle School at Forest Avenue and Dosoris Lane in Glen Cove. It steps off at 1 pm and proceeds through the streets of downtown Glen Cove. There is ample parking at Glen Cove’s municipal parking garages and elsewhere and shuttle buses will run between the parking areas and the formation area.
The heart of the parade, as always, will be its exciting mix of marching groups, including bands of Irish pipers and other musicians, along with vintage cars, costumed performers, fire and police units, and much more. The parade is a true community celebration with marching groups from the Irish and the many other ethnic groupings who live in the area taking part. Come, join the fun!
The Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade receives NO public or municipal financial support. It depends solely on tax-deductible corporate sponsorship and individual donations to the Glen Cove Parade Committee Inc. Please visit to review tax-deductible support opportunities. All parade expenses are paid in this way and all funds collected in excess of those expenses are donated directly to carefully chosen charities. Our Grand Marshal has chosen the Winters Center for Autism as the Parade’s selected charity for 2023. The Winters Center for Autism is committed to enhancing the quality of life for adults with autism through job creation, training, and placement while helping businesses to develop and implement programs to employ people with autism.
For more information, please visit the parade website at, call or text 516-782-7494, or email The Glen Cove Parade Committee, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) charitable corporation, and all contributions are tax-deductible.
The Parade will now use a shorter, more comfortable route, – just one-half mile long, half the old distance – to bring everyone together and concentrate all the fun right in the center of Glen Cove!
All spectator parking will now be literally just steps from the viewing areas.
Marchers will park less than a block from the end of the Parade, with a bus shuttling them to the staging area just minutes away.
The Parade Reviewing Stand will now be in the new Village Square, at the climax point of the Parade.