Eric Hill was born and raised in Glen Cove and graduated from Glen Cove High School
He was inspired to pursue a career in the automotive industry. With that goal in mind, Eric was obtained a Bachelor’s and two Associates degrees from the New England Institute of Technology and thereafter received a full time position as an automotive technician with Honda. This was only a first stepping stone as he went on to Ferrari/Maserati of Long Island, for 9 years. In June of 2021, he has taken the opportunity to work for a local Mercedes Benz dealer and is looking forward to what that brand and factory training has to offer
In 2021 Eric married to his gorgeous and amazing wife Karla Villacorta. They met in Glen Cove in October of 2016 and have been inseparable ever since. Eric’s wife has played a major role working tirelessly day and night as a registered nurse throughout the pandemic. She continues her role as a now nurse manger and leading her team to provide the utmost care for her patients.
Eric was fortunate enough to have as his parents Fred and Linda Hill, who provided him with a deep appreciation of the outdoors. Through hard work, they were able to provide the means for him and his brother Dustin Hill to learn the joys of camping, traveling and water sports.
Because of Fred and Linda’s hard work, Dustin and Eric were able to ski frequently and, beginning at age ten, to learn the skill of riding dirt bikes. He is an avid rider to this day and even takes overnight trips. Eric, his family and friends have ridden their motorcycles in the Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade in memory of Dustin Hill every year since his passing in 2002.
At the age of 13, Eric flew to Ireland alone and stayed with cousins for two weeks. They showed him the vast array of wonders Ireland has to offer. This trip inspired him to join the Mike Moran Division 8 of the Ancient Order of Hibernians at the age of 18. Eric’s leadership skills led to his selection in 2018 as Division President of Division 8. Eric is also currently the Vice President of the Glen Cove Parade Committee and is Sentinel on the AOH Nassau County Board.
Eric is proud to have been selected as one of the Aides to the Grand Marshall of the 23rd Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade. He embodies the core Irish values of love, loyalty and friendship and says: “May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past”.